Wednesday, 31 March 2010

Gosh Thats Hot!

So yet again with not vast amount to do at work today because my boss is away I have been searching around on the internet for well anything! Most of the discussion with the girls of late has been about Thailand, as written before and we are now thinking that we might splash out on a hotel for the one night that we will spend outside of Bangkok, and it has an amazing pool! Oh what luxury it seems to be considering that most of the hostels we have found in Thailand have been at a very reasonable £4 a night!!! Far better than reasonable, bloomin bargain!!!

So with talk of a pool I decided to see what the temperature would be and to my surprise its.....................35 degrees! I did not think it would be that hot! So now I have transported myself to Lois Land where I am in Koh Tao in a bikini ,chillaxing on the beach instead of sitting at my desk in a scrotty office in Queens Park where quite frankly its a joke how much it is raining!!!!! x

Sunday, 28 March 2010

45 Days!

So pretty much everything in life right now revolves around our little adventure, and today is exactly 45 days until we head off! Much discussion has been about Thailand and what we are going to do when have a few free days in Bangkok, we like to have a rough plan! We want to venture outside Bangkok on these days and today we have discovered (after much googling) a place called Ayutthaya, and it looks absolutely beautiful. It used to be the capital and has so much history. Such an amazing place to imagine on such a dreary Sunday evening!!!

Thursday, 25 March 2010


My lovely chums who I shall be going with! The most important question among us on a weekend of planning.... ' How many pairs of knickers are you going to take?!!!' x

First Post.

Soon I shall be here (The Whitsunday Islands, Australia)

So with nothing to do at work today I went on a bit of a blogging marathon. I have come across so many interesting blogs ones by my friends and those of total strangers! I came across the Lost Girls who started blogging about their year long around the world adventure and it dawned on me that in less than two months time I will be on my travels with my two lovely friends Alicia and Kim! Heading to Thailand, New Zealand, Australia and Hong Kong. After reading the Lost Girls blog I thought it be a great way for my family and friends to see what we are getting up to while we are away for 11 weeks! Blogs have completely saved me from the stressful life of being a fashion intern and everytime it gets rubbish I can just simply blog about our preparation for our trip and look at the amazing image above and daydream of our travels! x